Digital Photography and Imaging/ Project 2


19/09/2022 - /09/2022 / Week 4- Week 
Goh Jia Yih / 0342839 / Bachelor of Mass Communication
(Advertising and Brand Management)
Digital Photography and Imaging/ Project 2

Project 2

For this project, we are to create a double exposure image with our own portrait. 

Project 2: Double Exposure

In the week 5 class, we had the opportunity to go to the studio to take our own portraits. We had the option of using a DSLR camera or a phone with a portrait mood to take the photos. The portrait below was taken with the iPhone 13 portrait mood.

Figure 1.0: My Portrait 

Figure 1.1: First Attempt

Figure 1.2: Second Attempt

Final Outcome

Figure 1.3: Final Double Exposure Submission in JPEG

Project 2: Photo Manipulation


Figure 1.4: Moodboard for Photo Manipulation


Figure 1.5: Sketches for Photo Manipulation Ideas

Figure 1.6: Sketch for Photo Manipulation Idea

I tried various sketches, and in the end, after a few discussions with Mr Martin, I settled on the idea of using chilli and paint.

Design Process

Figure 1.7: Object shooting/1

Figure 1.8: Object shooting/2

Once I finished shooting the objects, I moved on to the photo manipulate stage, where I combined the two objects to become one.

Figure 1.9: Design Process in Adobe Photoshop

A white background was specifically used in the shoot to make photo editing easier. Because the white background appear monotonous, I changed the background colour to a bright green. At last, shadows were added to the backs of the objects to enhance the overall appearance.

Final Outcome

Figure 1.9: Final Photo Manipulation Submission in PNG


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