Illustration and Visual Narrative/ Task 1

 Illustration and Visual Narrative

28/03/2022 - 29/04/2022 / Week 1 - Week 5
Goh Jia Yih / 0342839 / Bachelor of Mass Communication 
(Advertising and Brand Management)
Illustration and Visual Narrative/ Exercises

Exercise 1

Vormator Challenge

For this exercise, we were required to create our own character creatively using 8 of the shapes given which also known as the "Elements".  

Figure 1.0 : Template of Vormator Shapes

With these eight shapes, I came up with several new ideas. What I mainly wanted to create was an endearing character with characteristics such as kindness, wisdom, and warmth.

Figure 1.1 : Draft sketches of the character

With a rough idea, I started to try out the sketches in Adobe Illustrator. I attempted to incorporate each of these elements into my characters and experimented with them several times.

Figure 1.2 : Experimental process on Adobe Illustrator

I experimented with 3 different colour scheme for my character. It was an interesting process, with different colour schemes bringing out different feelings, and I decided to follow what I had in mind at the beginning and went for a pink-warm colour scheme for the character.

Figure 1.3 : Different colour designs

After learning how to use gradient in Abode Illustration, I applied what I learned to my character design. The gradient effect was applied to the wings and tail.

Figure 1.4: Gradient applied

After much brainstorming, tweaking, and flipping, I've arrived with my final character design. Her name is Moona. 

Figure 1.5: Final Character Design

Here are more details about Moona.

Figure 1.6: Detailed description of Moona

Final Outcome

Final Character Design in PNG

Final Character Design in PDF

Exercise 2

Vector Illustration

For Exercise 2, we are tasked to make a game card for the character designed in Exercise 1. 


Figure 1.7: Inspiration 1

Figure 1.8: Inspiration 2

As I wasn't too familiar with the game cards so I went online to find some inspiration. These two became my design inspiration because I loved how they structured the information on the cards, keeping it basic and clear without being overburdened with too much information. I also like how they use illustrations to make the entire game card appear dynamic.


Figure 1.9: Sketches

I had a certain idea of the background in my head and I imagined that Moona would be dancing freely in a field of flowers, so I experimented with two different layouts.

Chosen Colour Palette

Figure 2.0 : Chosen Colour Palette


After I finished sketching, I began digitising the card designs in Adobe Illustrator.

Figure 2.1: Drafts

I ended up choosing the left-hand design as I found the right-side design to be more minimalist and I couldn't incorporate too many elements of the game card into it, and the border in the card limited my ideas, so I chose the left design which allowed me to play more.

Figure 2.2: Draft 2

I added some elements that would be found in a game card, such as some illustrations of swords and shields.

Final Outcome

 Final Game Card Design in PNG

Final Game Card Design in PDF


This Exercise 1 was a unique experience for me because I had never created my own character before. And throughout this exercise, I discovered that I enjoyed the entire design process because we had to design the character with restricted shapes, but I didn't let the constraints of the shapes limit my imagination, and thus my character - Moona was born.

For Exercise 2, we had to design the character's game card, which opened up a new world for me as I had never worked with game cards before and I don't usually play games. So everything started from zero. In the process of looking for inspiration I found out that there are many different designs for cards and I had a design for Moona in mind. Overall, I have improved a lot in using Adobe Illustrator through this exercise and I have been introduced to completely new skills. I look forward to the upcoming projects where I will be able to push myself even more.


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